Tuesday, March 05, 2024

 Where Did Our Ideas about Beauty Originate? Beauty in evolution. 

 There is a lot of awareness about beauty, for example science has shown that the bone structure of your face has a lot to do what people think about you, and we hear also about people who say the only way to be beautiful is to be loving. 

Certainly work and labor of love conquers a lot and the ability to work is often more important than looks. 

Even so with the first beauty pageant In the 1800s they were saying "Of course Beauty opens every door." 

Beauty researchers have found  beauty does seem to help in life. For example teenage women who are good looking have survival advantage over the women they are competing with because they are more likely to be married to men who have money and this can remove them from poverty otherwise.

 In evolution beauty obviously was an advantage like love at first sight. Love like beauty is a force and the more women were liked, the more they were copied by others, a measure of survival fitness at any rate to some degree.

 In evolution good looks may not only have opened more doors for those who are blessed by this but also have closed doors on predators. This is because being the social animal, our ancient relatives were in groups and we were often being chased by predators. 

And here evolution was going to great lengths for example to make the mother giraffe or the mother cheetah look like the rest of the giraffes when being chased by the predators. For example research  is being conducted in how to find ways to reduce preclampsia of women who are pregnant (with high blood pressure) by studying giraffes and cheetahs. The giraffe and the cheetah and humans presumably also had to be able to run as fast and look as good as the rest to do well. 

I hold to this hypothesis because other research shows that women's faces that are averaged out and smoothed by the computer software are considered to be more beautiful by more men who were asked. That is, the women who look more like the rest are more beautiful and this would be because being chased regularly by predators in prehistoric times often was a life or death event.

 So while beauty isn't absolute we can see why people in the history of science like Aristotle believed that beauty was a sibling of truth. The latin proverb "a beautiful face is a large advantage" asks us why looks look good! 

  It's been said that no one was ever honored for what they had received but only for what they earned. And lots of fashion models disprove this with so ooh and ahh!..most others than Aristotle have believed that looks aren't as important as truth or beauty.. it's not just like "congratulations about your face"!

I would say that many of the people who say that looks don't count are common and those say that money is un important are the ones with wealth. If you want to know what god thinks of usual looking peaple, remember he made a lot of them. While any animal can have good looks, even so it's been shown the success or failure of a marriage is directly proportional to a simple formula where the number of fights a couple has each month  subtracted from the number of times they make love is a real event.

If the wife says, "Which do you like more about me my natural beauty or my gorgeous body and the husband says well I "well I do love your natural beauty and gorgeous body but I like how you like to celebrate the most!"

 And the formula may have to do with looks somewhat but ultimately they say for the first three years of marriage looks are enough but beyond years it must be replaced by other value. 

In a way looks are for youth and a lot of us aren't movie stars or famous and we're doing fine without movie stars on screen!

One other point is that while averaged out faces in the science were found to be more beautiful, and the ancient greeks said Nothing in Excess, this would seem to be also tending to boredom and the reason it's not boring is because there were a lot of beauty wrinkles the lion could't see because it never got near. So we find special looks in our life that are caused also by evolution not boredom!