Sunday, May 18, 2008

I believe life is about planting trees one may never get to see the shade of. It's more blessed to lend-then to send, this is from the branch of the S&L closest to my mom!

Sir Issac Newton lived to be 90 and with all his own teeth. His electric toothbrush was gravity powered, and he seemed just a usual teen without lots of inventions, like a mill powered by a chipmunk. They handed him a baseball's orbit to compute and he won the All Stars.

I have a computerized bathroom, I type in a memo with my swim fins!

This site is been proven 100% without gallstones or fat, I eat so much I can eat all the thin!!

"What are you doing with hugs shakes and end to end exercises around the room?"

"It sez right here on the jug, Just flip and squeeze!"


I know a woman so smart, it says do not write below the line and she wrote, That's not my my family name, wherein my family name, it is authorised in the stars! Yours -- ******23!

"If you want your dreams to come true, don't sleep" "Half of 40 winks in my eye makes me see a 20-20 opthamamologists !"

"Faults are broad where love is loud." "They love aerobics rooms out west in AZ." -

"Too many captains can steer a ship up a mountainside."" With world heat caused by the solar storms the world has room for starships at the upper world elevations."

They're saving money over at the bank (cost cutting!) How Much do they want to save? "They're cost cutting so much, they have a speech recognition software without spell left!"