The matter waves of the EPR, essentially would be just high power gravity waves, or low power electric waves, at somewhat lower power than such as light. This would be to connect up gravity to the electric field, this connection would be so all the field is one of energy conservation, all the forces speak gravity and no other force is so cosmic, so it would use a mediating medium power field to reach the other fields, like from gravity to higher. This is the unified field Einstein hoped to achieve, and here's why I agree with Einstein and some predictions of my own belief in Electrogravity.
If gravity is much faster than light and the matter waves of EPR and the Bell Theorem are much the same and contained within the definition of what gravity might be, they could travel at comparable speeds, both faster than light.
One way to prove if gravity waves (also predicted by Einstein) would be at the high speed of my explanation of Chin's observation is by a use of the Torsion Balance Machine, invented around 1800. This machine uses just two masses on a well balanced weigh in station that is of high enough resolution it measures even the force of the gravity between the masses. When one mass spins past the other on the weighing machine it moves just a bit, and this was used to prove Sir Issac's vision of all the matter in the cosmos via gravity. My idea is that if gravity is faster than light, an explosive solar event would have the gravity wave and this would reach a mass like this of the right mass and of high enough resolution to see if the gravity wave arrived at the machine in a half an hour after or almost right away, then the light in half an hour.
The moon has been considered to be a gravity wave telescope by way of the laser reflector the Apollo moon landings left on the roof of the world (or the nightlight of the cosmos, per se!). The idea is to use the reflection of the mirrors when a gravity wave would move through to sense the wave by way of the motion between the earth and moon. But the moon, like a large ship with an anchor to the seabed or anchor to the earth wouldn't move as much as a small mass like a beach ball in the wave moving more. So a cheap Torsion Machine would seem to be an asteroid in non earth orbit with rotation and radiation lenses that would reflect light from either just the earth and return, or the more expensive motif of light beamed from a distant ship to the asteroid and then the motion measured via the usual method of interferometers ect.. The 70's extended reblend mirror and the light's path as it would move past the earth could have a large lever arm so much that earth based calibration machines might find smaller changes in the motion of the spin of the asteroid, if it were not spinning too fast or slow. The side to side changes in the light (at 90 degrees to path it would take over the earth) would be where the change would be most of worth to find. Using sensors at right angles to the beam on wires to find the change, the speed of the wave might be found, like amplified FM stations so we would not hear the roar of the ocean just the boom of the boombox. Since the mirrors may not be all the same on the surface of the asteroid, they might be actuated by built in motors to see if the motion changes. Cheaper yet may be to reflect radar from the Earth off the spinning asteroid and see if the change takes place at the time corresponding to when the asteroid would move. For example if the asteroid is half a light hour from us at the same radius from the sun, and we are continually watching the sun for the high energy events and always sending out the radar continuously to the asteroid when we sense the event from the sun at time A and we have the data in memory about what happened to the asteroid from the light it sent out when it reflected the same half a half a light hour ago (from the radar wave sent out 30 minutes before) if the gravity wave is nearly instantaneous, there would be no half hour delay in the apparent change in the spin of the asteroid. We would see the change about the same time as we would see the explosion, if both it and the asteroid were the same distance from us. If it's just at the speed of light, the change would be a half a light hour later. The randomness of the light reflected off the spinning stone would be found by means of the light bounced off, so the general overall motion where small changes in the precession would be caused by the gravity wave moving through it would be extracted out of the light. If you have a spinning ball of tinfoil and you reflect light off it, if it's spin or precession was changed, the average of all the reflections would mostly move up or down and speed up or slow down with it if this changed. The first phase of this plan would be to find the right asteroids of the right mass and spin and send out some radar (radar is of lower power than optical light which might throw off the measurement more) to see if we can measure the usual Torsion Machine changes well, then watch for solar explosions and see if the changes are connected. If this is not viable (like e.g. if the signal is too weak) one of the rarer asteroids nearer the sun or a probe with Torsion Machine on board would be moved much nearer, say five light minutes away from the massive solar event and the delay between the gravity waves and the light would be proven or disproven.
We can say certainly how much it will will move by just plugging in the Torsion Machine numbers of the inverse 2nd power law and just what the mass the asteroid would have to be to move to find the wave or before we send up the machines, the question would be, would it be at the speed of light, or almost instantaneous?
Click here for how asteroids may be moved and set in rotation cheap so the Dish Channel will Save my best audios!
This may prove the speed of gravity in a general way. It's a machine with a loose connection since the gravity waves are neither strong, nor the mass of the machine great, so a modern Torsion Balance used to measure gravity's speed would be slower to move. Like a ship on the ocean small fast waves would only move the ship if they were combined to more combinations of the overall higher waves with the smaller waves unifying to make the big waves and the motions of masses in just a general, loose sort of way, by the coincidence that the waves overlap. So while this would perhaps find loosely bound motions of distant masses and the speed of the wave, it wouldn't find the individual smaller waves that would make up the main wave at much higher speed and frequency, so not broadband, as the waves alone would allow even if the more general wave combinations are faster than light. Einstein may have said, because of the electromagnetic speed of light of Special Relativity, the fastest any machine with electric charges like usual mass can move to pick up the wave by resonation would just be the speed of light. (Einstein believed mass is not electromagnetic and this is why non electromagnetic mass was then accepted by other physicists but the all important speed of light is central to relativity, and all the particles have the 1, 0 and -1 charges. The heavy particles, ect. may all be controlled from the outside by the electromagnetism of relativity even though rest mass internally with more density by GWD and Maxwell's method may be faster than light and indeed non electromagnetic. Thus the suprise in QCD of fractional charges not being found outside heavy particles as well as confinement are both caused by relativity's strong hold on medium range physics, explaining confinement and rest mass. (FTL spin ismore mass than relativity allows for heavy particles. Note that relativity makes no explanation about the cause of heavy particles. It's not that Einstein didn't try for another Nobel prize here too, I believe it's because relativity fails here, so heavier mass particles than electrons and light's "pure electromagnetism" may be essentially of worth for disproof of relativity.)
Another way I've read about more recently to measure gravity well is via atomic clocks, this may be of worth to measure the speed of gravity by the solar waves via a starship near the sun as above.
Even so here's why I've gone to all the labor and exercise of lifting this explanatory weight so you know I'm more of an authorstarship!
If you have a series of masses like the Torsion Balance Machine (or atomic clocks) lined up, and the wave passes through, by reversing the machine and using usual electric sensors like the cinema sign we would be able to see the waves in higher resolution (if the general speed of gravity is the speed of my own belief, or whatever it's speed). This is like the on off light waves of the sign, that says "Famously Saving, And Cheap and Rich!" Since this gravity wave telescope would be just the lights in rewind, by using the masses to sense what the machines may pick up and then comparing them, this may extend our reach of resolution so we may sense a massive body in real time broadband, and by reversing the process and using smaller dense gravity wave sources (see below) we would be able to make use of the much higher frequency bandwidth of gravity waves with its fast speed. The wave would be moving more in space, but it would be changing in time like a super broadband signal. The signal itself would be a continous wave, so are all broadband light waves, these are then converted over to digital at the source or the reciever, so the continuous nature of gravity waves may not be an objection to using them for higher bandwidth, even if the ship is larger and the waves are small, both the sending and recieving machine would operate in a generally like way, like the movie lights, except the receiving machine would be more massive because gravity is not as strong as other forces like the electric.
About the Speed of Light, in his book, Einstein's Universe, author Nigel Calder asks if moving a giant pair of scissors so the edge where the cutting blades meet would be faster than light, he believes this would be not proof of faster than light, because none of any of the mass of the scissors would move at faster than light. Even if this turns out to be true a machine like this might make a good way to measure time with higher resolution. A machine would be like the giant pair of scissors, a laser would be a cutter and the other cutter would be a set of sensors of the motion of the beam just in a linear array or offset so the light rays resolution is optimized. When the beam would mesh with the line of sensors each one will have a moment in time according to where they are in the array. The sensors would be wired up to the timing of what was being measured. Even while no electromagnetic component of the machine was faster than light, by making a recording of the events of each sensor and then comparing them by signals like parallel processing with computers by way of even the slow wires and the speed of light, much higher resolution of the time would be possible. If the sensors or generation machines are wired up to gravity wave sources, or if they were used to sense the waves like via Torsion Balance machines of enough mass to pick up the signal for each of the sensors this might make much higher bandwidth than just via The Speed of Light, or even that of gravity waves like a large ship and just the big slower waves being felt.
About gravity waves for other use, I had conceived using the strongest power density of our science we have, of the strong force, to make the waves. Einstein's idea that gravity and inertia are at least generally much alike I hold, actions and reactions are of for example the light and heavy of gravity imploding to the one and the light of centrifugal force expanding to many, and the many is not exactly the same as the one (no doubt) but physics without both would be inconcievable, they are both made of mass and energy. So a boost or modulation of gravity may need no more than the general equivalent use of centrifugal force, just a lab gyroscope may change and counteract the gravity of the whole earth if the Equivalence Principle is good science. So if Einstein was correct (generally if only loosely or we would weigh the same at the high latitudes or low) even matter of the lower electromagnetic density of the centrifuge can alter gravity, and the strong force may be an even better way to modulate and boost gravity waves. Implosions of the strong force with such as anvils using mostly the strong force's implosion to generate the waves was my first inspiration, this was also my idea for the price of oil to generate lots of power via the strong force, I went in my memos from cylinders made of other strong force elements with protons used as pistons inside that would fuse, and the walls of this motor would collect the power. Then I realized the walls would be made of the same fuel as the fuel which would burn with unwanted radioactivity and so disposable motors seemed more optimal. Then I realized two flows inward of a sort of funnels that would be made of protons and neutrons on both sides that would fuse just at a tip via continous implosion would be better, and the power would be collected via collectors at the side. This machine made of proton and neutrons or atoms has no cylinders, just the tips fusing so most of the radiation wouldn't hit the funnels so they would be reusable. (I reuse my watch, I go to sleep so it recycles in 24 hours even without a windup!) Shields around the tips of these simple funnel machines (the outside if the funnels) would be radioactive but perhaps not so much they wouldn't collect power. The power could actually be collected by way of strong electric shielding fields that would make it so the radioactive particles from the fusion wouldn't reach the solid cone shaped shields on either side of the imploding protons and neutrons funneled in from the tubes in the cones each tube one proton and neutron wide. The radioactivity may even be reduced and used for useful power.
To bend the waves of massive sources so we can amplify them by the motif of the masses and the sensor, these by the ratio of the usual laws of radiation will tell us how much density it would take to focus the waves and amplify them. If the distant mass is a source of much gravitation it wouldn't take so much density of the lense, and if the distance is close of the mass to image, the lense density may be lower, and if the density of the lense was higher beyond enough to see the mass, more lense density would make more resolution beyond this, this is just by the simple law of radiation, m1xm2/d to the 2nd power. This tells us how dense the lense or other machine would have to be to see the distant mass, m2, so it's easy to see how much in materials and labor a machine of this type would cost before it's built.
Gravity operates by implosion, like the flow of water of a tub. The inflow of the water stretches the flow, this is of import since the stretch unifies the field, it makes all the fields attract. So to see a distant mass with a machine like this from within the the stretch of the earth's field with so much stretching and blending just moving the machine out of the Earth's field would make us more in with all of what's up in the cosmos. If you're in the tub on level waves that aren't sloshed in the drain the influence that would be measurable of the distant mass is more definite. This would be one reason why no telescopes of this sort even using the moon reflectors have have yet to be proven. The moon is like a large ship anchored to the earth so it wouln't seem to move as much with the passing high speed wave. Inside the Earth's field, the only thing a machine would see would be the general motions of just the tides of the sun and moon, and this has already been found by the motions of the ocean. This is also why a machine that would find Einstein's gravity waves may only find the most general outlines of massive bodies in most wavelengths, this is what light telescopes achieve, but gravity waves may be much faster than light, and because gravity is without shielding, the mass between us and more distant realms wouldn't block the view. See My Physics Synopses. page about the speed of gravity and the speed of light and Click Here For Faster Than Light. Since it's an acceleration, it would operate by many continously changing overlapping wavelengths (a literally and physically nonlinear acceleration unlike the uniform motion of relativity). The gravity would blend all the fields, with just the outgoing combination of all these blended waves seeable at a distance. So just the larger explosions may be seen by the machines, with the smoothing all the other info would be not as visable at a distance, like the usual waves of light or heat. This would mean that for long distance communication by gravity wave like to Mars the best way might be to put the senders and recievers just in orbit around both planets and use the smoother gravity between them so not as much information would be lost over the distance, the signal would then be sent to orbit by usual light waves and to more distant realms from there. Gravity is attractive and the stretching of the field would be reduced in flatter space, like the water of a tub having more coherent waves on the surface of the water and not in the downward motion of the drain.
From the above about the easy way the mass density of the lense needed would be proven before the machine was built (not enough, don't build it, and or use more mass) by the same physics as the law of radiation, if the Torsion Balance machine of the earlier physics was enough to find mass with just a usual density of mass, a more advanced machine might use proton wires to make the lense. Protons are stable, and using the N and S poles of the protons to wire them in fibers held in tension in a dense web, density enough of the fibers to bend the waves of incoming massive sources would be achieved. Protons just have positive charge so to make the lense shape a mold of usual - charged atoms would hold the wire in tension forming a round shape of the wires by tension of the attraction of the mold. This is a lense, essentially an amplifier. Since what's measured like with all mass attraction is the rate of fall and an implosion of the field to the source of the wave, the lense would be aimed with the arch side away from the distant or other power source and a source beam with parallel lines would be the falling mass to measure the change via the lense perhaps on the side near the source. The parallel beams would reach the lense and by the change of the implosion from the distant source would have the information from that source encoded in it, this would amplify and focus the beam and the sensor of the type above via the movie light show machine would then pick up the higher power beam. And these collectors would be positioned at great distances and unified by the computers so there would be high resolution.
Because of the problem about the blending of the field causing loss of the information at larger distances, the only way to send waves other than smoothed out waves by gravity may be by larger scale motions of mass at higher speed, or at least more motion of the mass. If gravity waves are indeed Faster Than Light this would seem to imply because of this they still may not be of obvious worth to distant advanced civilizations to reach us in real time.
Another lense may also use the general (much alike I think) equivalence of mass and inertia of Einstein. This would use arched wires with the AC current of centrifugal force changing the gravity, so the rate of fall of the implosion would be amplified of any wave in the machine by focusing methods. This may use atomic power to make lots of centrifugal force by way of the mass of the waves in the wire, or oscillating weights on small beams that would oscillate in a sweep of some of the disc, so the uncancelled centrifugal force would beam towards the focus by each atomic powered small machine aimed well at the sensor array. (And if the Braves were going to win anyhow, it's caused by Amy Smith Realtors. I saw Amy on the rooftop of my big tube television the other day!) The weight's inertia would amplify the distant masses field with a source beam of the same sort by change of the source beam's angle, and the rest the same as like the machines above that would use the proton wires. The oscillating atomic powered weights to make this would be a higher power machine than just the wire machine so would cost more but it would be worth more.
Because of the problem about the blending of the field causing loss of the information at larger distances, the only way to send waves other than smoothed out waves by gravity may be by larger scale motions of mass at higher speed, or at least more motion of the mass. If gravity waves are indeed Faster Than Light this would seem to imply because of this they still may not be of obvious worth to distant advanced civilizations to reach us in real time. A possible way they (or we in more distant times ahead) may engineer around this would be by being near double or triple star systems (most are double) with two stars close in. Because the gravity is balanced where the stars are in balance between them, if atomic bombs were set off somewhat to the side of this point this would be a force multiplier (machines like this have been in use for 100s of years) and a slow change in the gravity waves would be caused to send an outward memo to the stars or us. (Counteracting blasts to reduce vibration of the stars would be used to reduce the wait time for the star to stop more random vibration) While this would be slow it might be much better than no information. James Trefel says in one of his books about subatomic physics (paraphrased);
"Einstein never disproved faster than light motion, he only believed that what's already moving at slower than light can't move faster and that what's faster than light would also be faster than light, not slower, so the speed of light would be more like a curtain than a barrier. If so an advanced civilization may no more think of using light for communication than we would think of using smoke signals."
Even so by using the mass of binary stars or other more conventional machines like the above for nearer distances, this may be possible even with the low power and smoothing of the field if for long distances the mass of nearby stars was a way to send low frequency waves. So if machines like the Torsion Machines are more reliable in 2079 AD the problem about smoothing may make it of worth to search in low frequencys near binary stars (if gravity wave astronomy if realized eventually) to see if advanced civilizations used this type of machine to reach us because of the nearness of the stars even with the limits of gravity waves, with the value of possible faster than light communication achieved. Because of the use of low frequency that may be needed, we may not even need fast timers to recieve the high speed waves, and this may be more optimal because if each wave is slower to rise and fall, like with light telescopes here in 2008 that take months for light to trickle in to build up the image it may allow our Torsion Machines more time to resonate and this may be not just gravity wave astronomy but gravity wave communications.
The coast of UT has just two sides; The beach and the sand!
When kids aren't allowed on some airplane flights. They have use if they're so loud to cancel the sound boom.
I was in the store the other day and this lady had a perfume filled purse, what a whiff! I said I'd do anything she said, this may actually be a better about perfumes. If the wife hits on others all the time for a loan, it would be fresh air if when she's in the room she is real sweet, if she's rich there would be special herbs you would wear so you'd cash in! The math teacher would finally see your genius at business when you are in the room near her and nonsmokers would have herbs that would improve the air so you can read the no smoking sign. Aromatherapy is about science of many types that change sleep and memory, and more types of these chemicals, the perfume of the 21st century, may be of value to many for more indepth PR. They now have small "noses", two wires that are of unlike metals that cost just a few bucks. Each type of metal for the given sensor makes it so, for the given metal, it senses just one type of air chemical or other whiffs. So if there was lots of influence in the future world via perfumes, those who were wondering could wear the sensors, if power is knowledge, your nose is more the size of a cyber machine! If the perfumes then improved more and the sensors improved more, and so on, there would be competition in an explosion of flowers in March!
(Even so Einstein was so good at Relativity he could have watched The Price is Right and won just by the memos he typed up!)
History has real worth, even if it's old, savvy about 1492 saves time looking up the Gutenberg page!