If gravity is faster than light (Click Here for Evidence for this "GWD" my causology of General Wave Dynamics) the timing the angle sight of fall of masses around the center of the Milky Way seen via old light might be another angle than where it is now. Light emitted 50,000 years ago would be changed in it's angle in space relative to where the source is now vis a vis the light from more distant sources like more distant galaxies. This makes sense because if the light has old and outdated evidence about the source of gravity, the information is about the past, which doesn't exist anymore, so if gravity or the electomagnetic information about the centrifugal force were at the speed of light it would have a connnection in the past, that is to say the would be no connection, or a continually widening expansion as the apparent center of gravity seen by the light is a much larger circle, so it would have reduced attraction. Thus it follows if gravity attracts it's faster than light because the connection exists. The change in angle would be according to the distinction between the speed of light and the speed of gravity. To reach us with minimum force a connection at the speed of light would move radially but in an arch with the top of the arch ahead of us in motion. If it were with the arch downward, the light would have to go uphill when the outer masses were moving faster to reach them and this would take more work to change the wavelength of the light. When seen in the forward arching light the center of the centrifugal force would seem to be displaced in a forward angle, so the centrifugal angle of the motion itself would be outward with the centrifugal center also changing the geometry of the motion of outside circle of the the orbit, with the outward expansion of centrifugal force caused by the slow speed of light.
This would be proven by sending a probe far from the solar system or the earth to measure the angle of fall into the galaxy that would be stopped in the motion we share with other stars around us, like if a rock in orbit were stopped in spin it would fall radially in towards the earth. The angle the mass would fall at would prove or disprove this about the speed of the field. Actually this change in angle of the center of mass relative to the center of motion would be seen with all falling bodies to some degree, thus the moon with a distance of about one and a half light seconds from the earth would have masses somewhat near it falling at a different angle towards the earth than the line toward the center of mass of the earth moon system would be seen in visable light. This explains why the moon goes forward in orbit, with the delay between the centrifugal force at just the speed of light, the gravity would move it forward.
This would be the same as Einstein's prediction of the shift in the orbit of the preihelion of Mercury, if inertia alone moved falling masses foreward the value Einstein predicted would be half the actual rate of shift. Because the gravity would be converted to sideways motion of the inertia by adding to the motion of the inertia via this change in angle this predicts that because of essentially the change in pressure in the angle of the field ahead of the moon or other falling mass, masses in orbit ahead of the path of motion around bodies like the moon would fall at a different rate especially, something Einstein's causology wouldn't predict.
If travel near the sun with a somewhat massive machine costs too much, another way to find the speed of gravity may be by way of the Torsion Balance Machine, using earthquakes (siesmology) rather than solar events (heliosiesmology) as the source. (See Synopses). First the Torsion Machine would be aligned with the readings of earthquakes. We can already measure the masses of nearby mountains with these machines, they would either be moved near to a high level siesmic zone or the sensitivity of the machine would also be multiplied up and moved farther away while maintaining a reliable connection by making larger and more reliable machines. The speed of the gravity would then be compared to the speed of light. Putting one or more Torsion Machines in orbit by this method of extending the distance and finding the signal by improvements in resolution, and repeating the distance/resolution cycle would make it easy to measure the velocity of the gravity waves from orbits of more and more distance. Though this would be cheaper than sending a probe to the sun if gravity is at the speed predicted by GWD either with heliosiesmology or siesmology, because of the higher speed of gravity in Wave Dynamics it would be a yes or no answer. By this proof using earthquakes either gravity is much faster than light or not, but the actual speed would not be measured because the Torsion Machine would move too slow with the loose gravitational connection to prove the speed. We would know it was faster than light, but not the actual speed. It's possible by averaging out the motion of the machine its inertia and slowness would be allowed for at least somewhat more. If we see regular waves of all the same duration and wavelength (such as by oscillation af a heavy mass or heavenly body) and then changing it reliably we might put a lower limit on the speed by this method.
ELEGY; A sad song or poem, to remember, I remember it by sounds like ailing gee whizz Sing!
EULOGY; A Song of praise, From the Greek Eu Good and Logos, Literally a good word. Sounds like something the boss would say, "Put in a good word for me, other than just while I'm alive, I'm going on a splurge to the old world in Vensuela!"
A k T k U
On Millionaire the other day they asked a lady if bronze was a combination of Oxygen and A Zinc, B.Magnesium C. Iron D Calcium, She asked the audience in the survey and 47 % who picked A said the other 75% knows more!
I saw this rare coins for 50$ from the 1930's. I said Gee would it be cheaper to rewind say 50 years buy the coins, and wait 75 years and save the 5 cents! No doubt!