How To Reengineer Other Planets Cheap With Impactors.
Oxygen is the most abundant element in the cosmos. The earth is almost 50 percent oxygen. Mars formed out of the same rocks as the Earth. Where is the oxygen and liquid water on Mars? Presumably Mars is like the Earth, the Earth's water is from volcanoes over billions of years (otherwise 15 minutes ago would've been a good year for waves in the arena, and will be in 20 hours when watching 256 reruns.). Water would have of remained liquid on Mars just for a while because although the volcanoes on Mars would of added both heat and air pressure, because of the low gravity of Mars, the atmosphere would have boiled away in just a while after the eruptions would stop. This would be why there is erosion of craters but not so much erosion the surface is more weathered like the Earth.
We may be able to rapidly and cheaply change Mars by moving a small asteroid to move a larger stone by its mass when it would whizz by, and this could then move a larger asteroid yet to move perhaps a large moon towards Mars, with just a cheap laser to move the small asteroid and we may even be able to have the convenience of setting this in motion from the Earth without having to go up for the proverbial orbital boost if we use a large enough laser.
To change Mars rapidly and cheaply (before the Insurance rates go down) we could smash a moon with water (e.g. Jupiter's moon Callisto) into the side of Mars. The ice of the moon would be converted to steam and hydrogen and oxygen by dissolution by way of the heat, and the heat generated by the impact, with more than the power of the asteroid that caused the dinosaurs to go extinct would also be stored both in the side of mars where the moon would impact, and also in the atmosphere the moon would create by it's vaporization of the ice that would diffuse around the entire planet. The impact would boost air pressure and add air and heat, essentially the same as the ancient lava flows that caused the water to flow in the older history of Mars. Even so just as in those days, the atmosphere and radiation may boil away in perhaps 100 years; this would mean we might have to replenish Mars in cycles of depletion and impact, perhaps by this method by reservation of a zone where the impact by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th......moon would take place, or at least moving all the people away from the zone at that time..
The best moons or comets would have compounds that would have greenhouse gasses so the air would make the most of the solar radiation, if the greenhouse causology has any worth, which there may be doubts about. They recently found that the "greenhouse heat of mars and other planets all rise and fall with mere changes in solar heat". Indepth Look.-
Once the first large moon adds the oxygen hydrogen water and heat which would be more efficiently stored by this plan if the air has higher pressure, other asteroids or comets would be moved to add materials, organic chemistry, nitrogen, and other stuff perhaps at the same site or on the other side to round out the distribution. Air lenses may add solar radiation. A problem would be like the heat from orbit the Japanese are considering with collectors to then beam the power to the earth; What, they ask, if the beam is moved and the lense or other machine burns up a city on Earth by accident? This would be the same but moreso if a beam by the refraction is moved to the side, so it's possible all the people on Mars would freeze while the air pressure was low. To make this more safe another plan would be to use two asteroids in near mars orbit with counterrotation that would power motors by opposite spin, the power would then be beamed to the surface to heat Mars well. The asteroids would have more inertia than the lense (or the lense might have two asteroids on both sides) so the risk of accidents of this type would be reduced.
In the longer term once we have a foothold on mars we might actually add gravity to hold the atmosphere permanently. This could be achieved by either digging a well more to the center or wells placed at regular distances. Super dense solids made of Proton Solids could be used in the well(s) to make the gravity of Mars stronger.
Oxygen is the most abundant element in the cosmos. The earth is almost 50 percent oxygen. Mars formed out of the same rocks as the Earth. Where is the oxygen and liquid water on Mars? Presumably Mars is like the Earth, the Earth's water is from volcanoes over billions of years (otherwise 15 minutes ago would've been a good year for waves in the arena, and will be in 20 hours when watching 256 reruns.). Water would have of remained liquid on Mars just for a while because although the volcanoes on Mars would of added both heat and air pressure, because of the low gravity of Mars, the atmosphere would have boiled away in just a while after the eruptions would stop. This would be why there is erosion of craters but not so much erosion the surface is more weathered like the Earth.
We may be able to rapidly and cheaply change Mars by moving a small asteroid to move a larger stone by its mass when it would whizz by, and this could then move a larger asteroid yet to move perhaps a large moon towards Mars, with just a cheap laser to move the small asteroid and we may even be able to have the convenience of setting this in motion from the Earth without having to go up for the proverbial orbital boost if we use a large enough laser.
To change Mars rapidly and cheaply (before the Insurance rates go down) we could smash a moon with water (e.g. Jupiter's moon Callisto) into the side of Mars. The ice of the moon would be converted to steam and hydrogen and oxygen by dissolution by way of the heat, and the heat generated by the impact, with more than the power of the asteroid that caused the dinosaurs to go extinct would also be stored both in the side of mars where the moon would impact, and also in the atmosphere the moon would create by it's vaporization of the ice that would diffuse around the entire planet. The impact would boost air pressure and add air and heat, essentially the same as the ancient lava flows that caused the water to flow in the older history of Mars. Even so just as in those days, the atmosphere and radiation may boil away in perhaps 100 years; this would mean we might have to replenish Mars in cycles of depletion and impact, perhaps by this method by reservation of a zone where the impact by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th......moon would take place, or at least moving all the people away from the zone at that time..
The best moons or comets would have compounds that would have greenhouse gasses so the air would make the most of the solar radiation, if the greenhouse causology has any worth, which there may be doubts about. They recently found that the "greenhouse heat of mars and other planets all rise and fall with mere changes in solar heat". Indepth Look.-
Once the first large moon adds the oxygen hydrogen water and heat which would be more efficiently stored by this plan if the air has higher pressure, other asteroids or comets would be moved to add materials, organic chemistry, nitrogen, and other stuff perhaps at the same site or on the other side to round out the distribution. Air lenses may add solar radiation. A problem would be like the heat from orbit the Japanese are considering with collectors to then beam the power to the earth; What, they ask, if the beam is moved and the lense or other machine burns up a city on Earth by accident? This would be the same but moreso if a beam by the refraction is moved to the side, so it's possible all the people on Mars would freeze while the air pressure was low. To make this more safe another plan would be to use two asteroids in near mars orbit with counterrotation that would power motors by opposite spin, the power would then be beamed to the surface to heat Mars well. The asteroids would have more inertia than the lense (or the lense might have two asteroids on both sides) so the risk of accidents of this type would be reduced.
In the longer term once we have a foothold on mars we might actually add gravity to hold the atmosphere permanently. This could be achieved by either digging a well more to the center or wells placed at regular distances. Super dense solids made of Proton Solids could be used in the well(s) to make the gravity of Mars stronger.