Thursday, December 21, 2006

Physics On a Luxury Savings Ship To The Beach

It would be so cool in the heat to have a fan you'd wear on your head, it would give you shade, like astronomers like. Or reflexology bands that you would cool and wear on your wrists powered by super capacitors, or spray jugs you wear on your arms and you move your wrist and the downward motion of the H2O is constant as you swing your arms, with a constant mist from your arms to your legs in shorts except with a wrist watch. And women could wear a belt that would spray their legs when they walk. Even better might be using fields to bend the heat away, sort of a power shade, this would be a non halo, never hot as heck, cool as heaven!

Subatomic Physics and Limits of Resolution

The theory most well proven of all science (about levels of resolution of decimal power) is Quantum Electrodynamics (Q. E. D.). When they devised the theories of subatomic science they saw that the electron has a charge with deep probes that always would go higher than the probe in power, causing them to have opposite motion. This led theorists to believe the electron has infinite mass. Another way of thinking about this is how in subatomic physics the Uncertainty Principle says if you reduce the radius of a massive mote the mass is more. This is the field loops of it's own attraction that strengthen it, so if the distance is 0, the mass would be infinite. The theorists in the 20's when QED was being formulated were perplexed so they looked for balance to counter the infinite mass they assumed was real. The mass they invoked for the renormalization of the theory was an outside infinity of the field of the particle, extending outward to infinite distance. The two infinities, of outside and inside would cancel out, so usual mass was explained. This assumption of the two infinities existing and being cancelled out leaving a real, finite residue is how the mass of the electron is "known to more than 50 decimal points".

If I were at the beach and was blind, if I found water being pumped up to a higher shore via a pump and conduit, and felt around it would seem an infinite source of field, on one side is the sea and no way to prove it's finite. On the higher side is the shore of the pond, it seems infinite when more slosh is pumped into the higher level of the upper shore, the level always rises higher. Or if more water was pumped in with no rise of the level, it would be no suprise to find another conduit leading from the upper level to the ocean. With the inflow and outflow of motion conserved by energy being conserved, a bit of pressure would explain with high precision just how much water is pumped, the pumps heat, and so on. If it took infinite power of a probe of science to find the charge of an electron, if science brains think they are able to build an absolute accelerator they are just humerous if they think the observer is infinite (and humble) enough to add infinite power to the electron to make it infinite. The more, the more mass must be, "the more you spend, the more you save"? Dirac said, even with renorm well proven, the infinities are without a real proof or theory.

If the field loops in continuous loops and has the electric outflow almost as much as the inflow, absolutes are unnecessary. The always finite residue would be explained by the balance between flow of the field and resistance to it on the other side. Because there is a balance on both sides, it's a sort of standing wave and would have resonances in the shape of the electron's field, this is a prediction of this part of the theory. "If you play an old wave song, it's more old than it was and more!!" With infinities it's tougher to achieve this proof of resonances with balance because infinity is absolute, so unchanging, and no subtraction or addition of any sort would be possible.
This idea about infinities not being allowed because they would engulf us in infinite energy, and we wouldn't be present may be useful in cosmology and cosmogony and science in general, because they're absolute and so without change, the same as void, which can never be found. Most physicists think "empty room" near the earth or more distant realms has a low energy field, but the void I speak of here is the infinity of absolutely empty room far from the center of the cosmos where not even gravity, being finite, would reach. If no infinities of real mass and power are possible, not just "not yet" found, the idea of infinity would always herewith be just about the vast. All the loops of any sort would always be self contained, and if the loop seems to be infinite, it's just because we see just some of the loop. The ancients named the Mediterranean the "Middle of The World" because they hadn't seen the whole loop, not because it was level. The idea of Einstein's about the ether, was you have a theory, and part of the experiment is found to be unprovable by any of the theory, if the theory is well proven, just remove out what's in the theory that is without any proof and make the rest more. Like Einstein with the ether, this may also be true about the whole idea of any sort of infinity, as far as his theory goes. Lerner thought the Big Bang is just a limited expansion, and indeed, any absolute energy would violate energy conservation. It would have infinite mass, and would have overpowered us with infinite radiance ages ago. If the Big Bang were absolute with its expansion, it would be absolute all around us when we observe it, and this has disproof, and if we were infinite in weight where could we go for exercise? A jog would take a 1000 years!

On the site we see a ship cylinder invention where hydrous O's flows in holes in the side of the ship, a water powered cylinder which then powers the ship ahead wow, the only problem is the ship would sink! Or it would seem by energy conservation you would receive no more from the flow in than as much power as it would take to pump out the water, but this is just considering thermodynamics. Gravity is continually pumping heat out of the earth without running out of power. What's of worth about this is it's actually a good inspiration about my idea of what I name gravity powered machines. The more weight presses down the more the heating like the earth's pressure that squeezes out heat, the pressure on the side of the ship, like the Earth's radiation may be used via simple electric machines that convert the pressure to power. This would be used with ships that would use all the pressure on the side like a giant cylinder. With it air ships could also.