Sunday, December 17, 2006

Overpopulation; More Room in 50 to 100 Years.

Overpopulation is becoming a serious problem. One reason to find more room and solve all the major problems of going to the moon and mars, ect. is in my theory of how overpopulation is causing social pathology. To find more room by the plan in the link, digging out or blasting out large rooms inside the moon or mars would give us much more room to live in than the surface of the earth.

If the fast plan were used with atomic explosions instead of conventional the radioactivity may be quenched by reversed beta decay. Beta Decay is the process in subatomic physics where a neutron emits an electron and becomes a proton conserving electric charge. Where you had a proton and a neutron before which attract by the strong force, you have an electron and two protons which don't attract. And by changing the weaker electric field by injecting an electron into the radiant nucleus, the proton and neutron pairs would be converted to the neutrons which don't attract and would move away from the center of mass. So instead of waiting perhaps millions of years for radioactive meltdown of the U 238 or other mass, by addition of the electrons the radiation would be released in minutes, and all the atomic power of the explosion could be collected as heat and used for power if stored in machines like capacitors.

So blasting out the rooms fast may be achieved and this would be a safer place to live than space stations, but without air leaks or explosions, and so on. With narrow entrances if the air leaked out it would be slow, so safe about air flow. They say just one large explosion of a station like the ISS would set the space program back by 25 years. "You couldn't boost me up there except if asleep at the wheel!" (A 67,000 mph wheel.) The moon is slow and good for sleep and calm when we see it. Just going to and returning to the safe cities under the surface once in a moon of months may be safer than living in orbit 24/700.
Living inside the moon or mars is better than living in a bubble that's headed for boon. While the moon room plan may be the best option we have for now, more optimal would be to actually engineer more good air for mars and the moon. A more advanced civilization of the earth in, say, a hundred years might use lasers or other charged beams as is already known to detour a medium asteroid of the right size to where it would move the path by gravity of a larger asteroid, and this to a larger asteroid or other moon that has water and other useful air into orbit around the moon, mars, or even venus. My original plan was to use the gravity of the orbiting massive moon for an advanced civilization to sweep up the more usual atmosphere of mars or venus as it was in orbit. This would use a large tube to siphon the air from mars or venus up past the orbiting massive body aided by large fans. The speed of the outflowing air would be aided by the solar wind away from mars or venus, so it wouldn't fall back. Then good air would be pumped back, synthesized from the materials of the large perhaps mostly watery moon, which would be chosen for profile of it's elements. The augumentation air of mars would be chosen e.g. for its greenhouse gasses, more than the earth so it would heat up more for good weather, and the air of venus would have more air shielding from the sun, so it would stay cool. Once the good air was in place or perhaps before, a layer might be added to seal the compounds of the present soil of mars or venus from second more earthlike layer of soil. The earthlike layer would then be added. This is a way our future civilization might have all the comforts of air, water, and cozy heat in whole other worlds. Carl Sagan thought it might take a hundred or even a thousand years to synthesize the air on mars from the heat, and CO2 by small plants I thought these would be GE for heat also, and GE would much speed up the plan. Even if without all the comforts and speed of completion of the air from the moon plan, to boot a few GE plants to mars would be cheaper, so I thought of this as the more viable.

Another possible useful air/moon synthesis plan is where the water and air bearing body got from the asteroid deflection via gravity would be put in orbit around the earth's moon using a rotating shield from the solar heat, perhaps cheap would be via magnetic bubble technology. The shield would be to stop the water from melting and boiling away. By Einstein's theory of relativity, I think there is at least a loose connection between gravity and centrifugal force (not as strong as Einstein thought, but often so). So superconducting arched wires or metal arches like the outside of a cylinder with alternating current, by the centrifugal force of the motion of the particles through arched wires if aimed downward by einstein's theory would create more centrifugal force, i.e. gravity. The arches would be superconduction at moon temperature to save power (electrons in a wire go round and round for a million years) and perhaps collect solar heat and store in small capacitors for better power yet. So Einstein's principle of the Equivalence of mass and inertia would add weight to the moon so it would hold both air and water. It wouldn't take a huge number of the generators because the speed of the particles in the wire would be fast and increase the force of the synthesized gravity via more centrifugal force, the principle of an electric motor. If large numbers of these small gravity sources were placed on the moon, the air and water from the asteroid or larger moon brought there by the deflection of the small to larger could then just be pumped to the surface, and the moon would be much more like here! It would hold both air and water and a real all wheel drive room boom. Blasting out rooms would be of rich worth for the near term because it would be cheap and fast and most of the room would be gotten by this motif. But this may be for a more advanced plan.

Large numbers of these gravity/inertia sources would hold a layer of air around the outside of a presumably sphere shaped space station, and it would also have gravity from the inertial wires to hold other mass well. This would have all the advantages mentioned above in the link such as resistance to radiation, ect. about blasts to make the rooms to live inside the moon or mars, and more. (Both plans would be used, and it would make both more of worth, the air making the moon safer, the rooms, room.). While 5 miles around and this is just one side may seem like a lot of atmosphere (99% of the air of the earth is within 5 miles of the land) economies of scale would be of worth. In 50 years a space station made from a big block of matter 100 miles in diameter, with a layer of just 10 more miles of air is no sweat, and all around the masses would have the usual 32 ft/s weight.

The gravity/inertia sources would be just wires with collectors on the side to convert the side to side inertia of the particles in the wire back to more useful force sort of like a moped motor generator, where the extra power is stored and reused when of more use. To make the space station safe, the simplicity of each generator makes a reliable source for gravity, and the frame would be made of the strongest materials science to make it safe from explosion.

Materials for a future 100 mile wide station may be gotten by using a laser or other beam to nudge a smaller asteroid to near the path of a larger asteroid, moving the large asteroid via its gravity towards us or wherever we would want to live. This motif may even be of use to colonize distant star systems. Without constant risk like in space stations of explosion or leaks (no one has solved this yet, other than by this motif) colonization would be safer. This would make a real high rise hotel, at night you go to sleep, when you wake up you go out on the porch to see the stars, earth and sun and moon, a room with a zoom.. The main problem here may be about the cost of building and maintaining these small gravity machines. A better plan may be to dig a well in the moon or other light bodies, use super massive materials like proton solids in the center of the moon to make the gravity more attractive up to the usual 32 ft so it would hold air and water and then move an icy moon by the cheap light-beam-to-light-to-heavy- body plan as I say above, this moon would smash in the side of the more masive moon and it would an ocean of air and water and other materials of worth, to stop overheating and evaporation of the water and air and cooling the moon would be set spinning by the collosion of the watery moon and/or shades and focusing lenses and mirrors would be between the moon and the sun to both heat and cool the hot and cool sides of the moon.


I can hear all those cost cutter scissors cutting all around, where's my remote control? To control the gravity in the plan with inertial motors, it wouldn't cost much to move the moon bearing good tidings of water and other riches to Earth's moon, the magnetic bubble science, being powered by atomic or other power would be cheap too. The pumps to pump the air and water to our dry moon would be gravity aided and cheap. So the main cost to make the moon arable other than bots to set up the pumps and the solar shield would be for the centrifugal/gravity generators which actually might turn out to be the best plan if for some reason proton solids turned out to be nonfeasable.. If they were small, the inertia machines be self assembling machines and so the only labor involved would be just to pour the metals and other stuff in vats and let the revel start. They might be put on the moon with mile post signs so no one who was constructing a pipe in future digging would dislodge it. If sometimes this was so, the other generators nearby could take over the job till it was replaced so no air would be lost. (Even so the superdense solid at the center would not take so much labor pitting all the small machines around the moon would take.) This is for the relatively distant future, perhaps 50 to 100 years. It would be better than just living below the surface. With an air shield all the rooms below the surface are safer from high speed impact, and what a view of the moon and stars.


I saw on CNN News how this woman at a store in N.C. accidentally printed two lottery tickets, but was unable to sell the second to the woman she printed them for, so at the end of the day she bought it herself. Then when she cashed it in for 200,000, she met the woman who she printed it for with a hug! I bet I know what she'll do with the cash, spend it on me I hope, or help me learn how she types so good!

I have praise for the Dutch, they have family hoo has with a real swim in the giant swimming pool!
