Sunday, June 02, 2019
Where does the proton get its spin and mass?
....The fractional charges of QCD only give 2% of the mass and the gluons are massless.....
Here I consider that the solution is something like dark matter..
My idea about dark matter is that it's much like Stokes believed, Stokes was the great mathematical physicist of the 19th century.
His idea by was that the low energy field connecting up all the cosmos was "like sealing wax" in that it shows strong resistance when strong force or force of short duration is exerted, yet gives way under slow and continued light force exerted on it.
I think of this as valuable, and my version of this involves the recent discovery of the Low Energy Higgs. (LEH) particle in the lab as had been predicted.
So when you jog around the room in hopes of not being so round yet you change your motion, particles have sides, so these small particles exert the force you feel. This would also explain the force of gravity. Like a boat in a river the particles move with you and yet speed up as you fall. The reason they speed up would be because there are also waves between them, the gravity waves, only waves could have cohesion that mere radiant inertia events lack so the gravity radiates in, not out. Note that when you wave your arms in a stream as you flow down the flue, the force you feel on your arms is much like that of inertia as you jog in the exercise machine and change your motion. This is how gravity and inertia, if only loosely are connected, though not in a strong quantum way like Einstein believed about his hopes of repeating Maxwell's triumph of connecting electricity and magnetism. I believe gravity isn't quantum and this is why when you plug in the quantum equations for gravity you get infinities.
So here's where I look at problems with the particle wave explanation for inertia and gravity as above.
The LEH don't slow everything to a stop with the friction. How is this so? One idea is that the speed of light by use of this method like Stokes might have used gives us the density of the "sealing wax". Light has a huge speed; it's a transverse wave be and it's well known that more familiar transverse waves in physics have a snapback of the "wax" according to the speed. The speed of light is great, so the density of the medium Newton and Maxwell believed in is enormously more than steel. Yet the planets plough through this "wax" without any appreciable resistance. But there's more; Maxwell used the density of the wax to predict the speed of light exactly based on the resilience of the medium Stokes and others considered.
So there is considerable supporting evidence the particles and waves exist, the LEH and the flat Higgs' field Newton might have considered to be why a bucket "knows" if it's spinning has also been found.
First of all as I say elsewhere what I call Line Removal (LR) may give a phase change so the inside of a heavy quanta "doesn't know" the outside of the field and this gives it tension that maintains the resilience that Maxwell, Newton and other considered so the particles like heavy quanta don't ever stop spinning.
I believe that the LEH also are mostly outside the heavier quanta at what I call the Radius Of Action (ROA) a narrow radius that is essentially an area where the outside waves become dense enough to create the particles.
Even so at more radius they are mostly waves and by the phase change between them they give way with the slow pressure of the sealing wax as Stokes believed.
The waves can give way like the planets through them yet at the ROA for light the LEH become so strong they cause the huge snapback of Maxwell's method of calculating the speed of light so well.
So the field has negative entropy used to hold all the fields together so they don't reradiate, resilience by Line Removal, and the particles exert the force of inertia or gravity.
Even so by the waves externally there is no quantum gravity much. Note that these waves and LEH are hard to find.
They're low energy and by Maxwell's method if they are much lighter than light they may move much faster than light. So to the usual quanta like machines used to hope to measure them by more classic methods are much much slower. This would act like the complete continuity of the field Einstein believed in except it is finite so it can't be of infinite speed much less the speed of light it would seem to me. So our machines may sooner or later disprove Einsten about this as in what I call parallel processing sensors that are fast enough and far enough apart to pick up or send out the waves more at the their own speed of resonance.
And here may be how to find dark matter. Its elusive find may be caused by this same high speed and low energy of the medium Stokes considered. This is what it may be and why it hasn't been seen yet!
This is what I was asking above, Why does the proton have the mass and charge it does? If mass is spinning energy and there is no cause for rest mass in Special Relativity if the heavy quanta spin at c, by using Faster Than Light (FTL) internal spin we have the cause of the rainbow of masses not plus and minus one half.
"The cause of no cause" of the proton's mass and charge would be a type of dark matter that is also hard to find yet, and even so it may give the mass and spin.
This mass I call it Unobserved Hadron Mass may be generally like dark matter and so I believe things we might learn about how it operates may illuminate our knowledge of dark matter including inertia and gravity!
Wilczic won the nobel prize for calculating the mass of the fractional charges. Even so 97% of the rest of the mass of the proton is unaccounted for.
As I say elsewhere I believe the field inside a supermassive area like a singularity may remove it's own field lines by what I call Line Removal (LR). So while a the quanta around us are created by gravity they become distinct even and as evidenced by the universal conservation of energy. This is why gravity doesn't shield the Earth eclipse after eclipse slowing the Earth or moon down over historic time. Eclipses since ancient times haven't slowed down. The would be because Line Removal wraps the gravity around the heavy quanta beyond a certain level. Einstein believed old electrons might not weigh the same as more recent electrons and experiment has disproven this.
Another way of looking at this is to say because mass and energy aren't completely the same it's much easier to convert mass to energy than vice versa and strong force interactions are only 5% efficient here. So the proton has all the extra mass by spinning faster than light in my explanation by the Line Removal so while some of the spinning field interacts with the fractional charges most of it simply spins past and isn't seen at higher energy as in by probes. So too Einstein's idea about electron's change of mass with gravity mass isn't ultimately the same as energy so the earth has much more of the gravity flowing both in and out from the Earth and around the quanta. In other words if mass and energy aren't absolutely the same since it takes more energy to hold a quantum or the Earth together than for us to fall off the Earth this inequivalence means the proton has a lot more of this spinning mass that holds it together.
We can measure the mass of the proton well. This might also mean the Earth has a lot of extra mass, right?
I believe if mass and energy or gravity and inertia aren't the same an improved description of mass and inertia would be that mass is defined as the resistance to stopping a heavier body that tends to get heavier by gravity and be more at rest while inertia is the tendancy of a lighter body to resist being slowed down. The moon is not able to start the Earth's speeding up while the Earth isn't able to slow down the motion of the moon and it gives way.
By this new definition of mass we might look at how much the moon pulls on the Earth and how much the Earth moves to measure its mass. Note that as with the proton where
most of the field simply spins past the fractional quanta and isn't even much in evidence, most of the extra mass to hold the Earth together would give the Earth more mass than all the quanta of the Earth counted together.
While I'm not a mathematician I know a lot about relativity and machines as you can see. I don't know how to calculate this but if you'd like to collaborate or help with experiments please call me at 276 228 3469. Or you can write me at 138 Longview Village Wytheville,VA. I'd love to put this on more solid basis and we might win prizes. Thanks for reading..