They may have found the dude who in 1971 gave a ransom note to the airliner over Oregon for 200,000 and parachuted to the ground and wasn't seen or heard from, except when he would yell, I'm rich! and they would yell, He's Not rich! He's doing time ! They think his name was C.B. Cooper and they may have gotten contact with his uncle, who was the informer, ect. The ATM's on the airliner were all closed for 480 months!
They found Amelia Airheart! She's selling Amway in Australia!
They're using what's called smell marketing to put "scents invents" in stores, this won't work well for the seafood diet, or the garlic diet you always are in more of the same!
They are remeasuring Mt. Everest in Nepal, they don't know how high it is. What was the highest mountain before they found it? The Marinas trench.
Cheeze has all this bad stuff for you, fat and salt. Milk is much better, it's often the best "whey to get your cheeze!"
It was raining so much I thought I heard a sound. It was someone out mowing the lawn in a mower boat! For a sail around the block!
An octopus was driving up the superhighway at 57 mph listening to old gold songs on the radio in his 1950's car. He crashed and broke four legs two arms and some ribs. He's in the ER in bandages and traction and the nurse walks in tuning her radio to a classic gold station. He says, what's that song you're tuning, bad song, and she sez, What song? You mean "Breaking up is hard to do!"
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Thursday, February 09, 2012
How Alcoholism and Other Problems for Those with Substance Abuse (Even including Obesity) Might Be Solved by A Simple Method.
Alcoholics have two problems, the physical use of the substance, and the other is the emotional strain itself when reducing the alcohol.. You may say, to solve problems like this you could remove the booze or food, ect. gradually perhaps, reduce the strain and they recover. This may not often be probable or even possible though a lot of labor is done to achieve it, well, like the BBC!
In this post I'm using my considerable knowelege of health science, because I use both green clay and melatonin for better health. Clay is a good absorbent to absorb out toxins, and melatonin is a sleep aid used by millions.
I offer the following method for alcoholism, obesity and seven other problems of related type, e.g pain relief, anxiety and other problems like this.
We imagine a sensor in the mouth, that senses when the person has had too much food, or other substance to reduce. This is of worth no doubt, two police in the news were seeing about Breathalyzers this month and tried booze and spent the afternoon like seeing stars and moonlight, could happen to anyone, and it's rare but even better if millions of lives were saved by curing alcohol and other problems. The police would save huge costs like in court fees, ect. and though any one's risk of being in an accident with each trip is like 1 in a million, the police are helping us to make this rate what it is...
If the sensors were aligned to some way to gradually reduce the amount of alcohol before it reaches the stomach, then by computer the most optimal amount of alcohol or other substance could be gradually reduced at the right rate. A sort of gradual sort of nicorette, at least an improvement. If the overall reduction was real slow and reliable, there would be much more chance of solving the problem, just as climbing a steep hill all at once may be tiring, but climbing on a road with almost no slope makes it so almost anybody can climb, if just blending in this much each day, sooner or later you would reach the top. I imagine this could be computerized at least sometime to such a gradual change that many types of addictions could be cured even by this, especially if aligned with something like software to retrain the brain to reduce the stress ect. both emotionally and cognitively, ect.
For the sensor in the mouth I thought of a band to attach the sensor to the tooth like an orthodontist band or wire so it's reliable to stay where the sense of perception is hopes of health for life in general. A sort of small hammer on the tooth puts the sensor in, not a Phil Collins song! The sensor as like ones in use is real cheap, like 50 cents, just two wires of the right metals to move in the presence of what to sense at the right rate for that substance only. No other sensor might be needed, at least to solve just one problem at a time say obesity. To find alcohol in the breath, easier than over the lips over the gum, look out stomach here she comes... and more reliable. About alcohol it's good to sense if you're aware (I don't drink even better so no UBI Unexplained Beer Injuries!) I liked green tea a lot and I didn't know why, then I realized I was getting subliminal messages from Andheiser Busch!
My next question was, if we have the small sensor on the tooth, what would we blend with that alcohol to make it so it essentially is rendered less powerful, so they automatically quit in time so they wouldn't have to feel so bad to stop, how do you blend with the booze and intercept it in real time? In smoking the great American smokeout, they have the fan to blow smoke out from the person, so they have the nicotine fit of the star search realm.
I hoped to invent a plate like an orthodontist's plate in which what would combine with the booze would stop the booze, controlled by a computer chip, though no booze with the munchos so often like the Breathalyzer when the officers were in research mode. Then I realized green clay a great absorber might be of worth. It cleanses out heavy radiation, and other toxins. This is why I think they don't get diabetes at the sugar plantations in SA. where all day they eat sugarcane, not just because they have a lot of fiber in the sugar, and never get ill. Fiber is not that valuable for blood sugar, but clay would absorb sugar and other acids out,stopping it at the source including fat for heart fitness while putting in 80 or 90 monotomic minerals, and the body only uses what it needs. More about green clay. It's been found the people in the US who move to the US from SA are the most healthy in life expectancy because they don't smoke, but I think clay may have a major influence here, they've been cleansed out with they clay so much they have much less toxic buildup from the start. People in SA don't smoke as much, it's true and another way the Latinos may be stronger in general is because often the more pastoral life is good to make their immune system stronger, plus fitness in general. Even so a good foundation of minerals we don't find due to no absorbancy of most vitamins ect and intensive agriculture reducing our minerals a lot plus absorbancy out of toxins like fat salt and sugar may be the main general way to healthier life.
For the dental plate, the clay inside would use the awesome honeycomb structure which has small strong electron wells to strongly attract and hold many toxins well, it absorbs 500 times its weight in water so I drink water with clay to cleanse out stuff like the heavy metals from the parking lot. They do research and find like 200 unnatural harmful chemicals in most people's circulation. Green clay is powerful so of worth to blend with the booze ersatz, powered by bites perhaps. If the sensor senses the alcohol and the computer does a quick number crunch, no munchies, then just the right amount of the absorber is to blend in the mouth. How would you make it so it would reduce the anxiety?
Here is how a stress sensor may be of value combined with the clay and the substance sensor in the mouth. I was sometimes using melatonin, a sleep aid used by millions for part of my diet plan. I was taking melatonin for other health and it was so drowsy for a while, and I was hungry and didn't notice while I was doing my bit of research! I would sometimes wake up real hungry after a good night's sleep, and I thought of trying this to diet one day, but I wasn't even aware of the hunger. Melatonin is one of the least toxic substances ever found, less toxic than water, found in every cell in the body, and it causes a deep restful sleep, but it's not addictive and has no known side effects, other than positive ones. The only known problem about melatonin may be that it causes low blood sugar with long use and for most this one known problem would be rather healthy presumably. No important cautions for melatonin (other than some blood sugar consideration, e.g. for those with low blood sugar or for depression) have been seen in 15 years since it was first available. People have been taking melatonin about 15 or 20 years, I wasn't asleep right now! Melatonin has been proven mostly safe, far safer than something like narcotics, at any rate. Or for melatonin we could substitute something like say passionflower that would be strongly enough soothing for long enough to lose weight, stop alcohol, ect. Even if they recommend to rest melatonin one week after three months, I used far less to sooth my diet than the recommended dose. People I talked to about melatonin say it worked too well, an insomnia cure for 12 hours no doubt, so more recently they've reduced the OTC dose to just 3 mg, not 10, and 1/10 this much and I sleep fine when I have a bit of this. And it's super cheap at this rate for a daytime dose it could be of worth. If not melatonin whatever would be most optimal to relieve the anxiety is of important to this idea. There may be many substitutes for green clay or melatonin in this method, perhaps custom fit to the problem, the person's health ect.
When dieting sometimes my question about melatonin was, how to make it so the dose wouldn't rise till I was too sleepy and then fall too low in the daytime? When too low I was drowsy and too much and I was hungry. I thought best would be inbetween, both in comfort and losing weight too, perhaps continually no sweat, how to be hungry and be unaware yet alert? Most herbs or other OTC's or pharmaceuticals have a base e dose, It peaks at first then gradually tapers off slowly in a more wide arch on the right side. This is a logarithm based on how much of it's present, if more is present it multiplies up then falls off as more is absorbed. This is all the base e is about in math.
So I wondered, how to level this out. What if we had something to sense your anxiety and if you had something like a lie detector on your wrist or perhaps even in your mouth to sense the electrical change in your nerves and sends a signal to the little melatonin hold, and the person hoping to reduce automatically gets the right amount of melatonin in a breath spray ect, and so on. This could solve the other part of the problem of reducing, or many types of problems like this.
There are other types of dieting methods that automatically reduce the pain signals, they have implants that are in the stomach to interrupt signals from the vegus nerve and overweight people lose 2/3 of their weight easily with no anxiety, and so it might seem logical to use something like acupressure and pinch the nerve between your stomach and your brain do it ourselves. If you pinch your brain caution! I looked this up in my encyclopedia, and it turns out this nerve is of real import, like for vision, breathing and other important stuff in your physiology ect. So the only person who would change it should be a doctor. Or a surgeon if the nurse sews you up on the laugh side, and the nurse likes my insurance and uses not a suture, a zipper! The advantage of my method though is if you have any kind of stress, you automatically get the right dose of melatonin or whatever to reduce the pain or anxiety right at the most important times. This would be of worth for pain relief for ill people, and by using the reduction/anxiety relief method to stop smoking by way of the plate, the sensors, the computer bit and the clay and melatonin or ersatz, green clay would also be of worth for stopping smoking perhaps because it's good for respiratory problems especially. Tons of green clay were used to absorb the radiation of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Russia because it's absorbent of radiation. Green clay is a good detoxifier. Animals in the Amazon are not toxified by eating green clay so they aren't toxified and have a source of food out of reach of all the rest. The Indians in the high Andes actually eat clay to eat some of the foods to reduce toxins like tannins a form of alkaloid (what else?).
Although other compounds than melatonin or green clay could be used also depending as I say green clay seems a good first approximation perhaps for curing smoking at any rate because it has lots of minerals for strengthening general health, believed to be the cause of most illness which Linus Pauling believed, the Nobel Prize winning Vitamin C doctor who lived to be 90.
One wondrous thing about green clay for stopping smoking is it's good for respiratory relief, so green clay in their stall stops horses from nose woes because breathing ammonia in their stalls is cancelled by green clay and so they have more than 80% reduction in respiratory problems (good for us too if we use bleach or ammonia).
So the clay could be used for smokers perhaps with small fans combined with the melatonin by the plates and sensors. (I have fans that make smoke rings in the heat of hot weather.) This could be used for solving many types of addictions by reducing anxiety at the right time and in general. They have another type of stomach pacemaker that shakes the stomach so they lose weight also and no discomfort. But this might not be as safe and needs an operation to achieve, the plate herb and sensor method could be real cheap, just buy it OTC say for 20$. It could solve many types of behavioural or substance problems and could even be used to relieve problems like debt, gambling, ect.
While clay and melatonin may be a good first approximation, I think we could tweak the herbs, e.g. ginger the cooking herb is a lot better pain reliever than aspirin, it relaxes the body 8 ways, and improves and protects the liver 7 ways, to improve absorption and other herbs might be used to tweak the method. For example for losing weight, diet is like getting a spleenectomy, and so herbs to shield the spleen or to fit the type of solution for the type of problem.
They found the virus one in 5 people who are obese actually have. They eat the same as anyone else but they gain more weight. We could think of antivirals that would stop the weight gain for these people though this wouldn't help these innocent people actually lose the weight, the herb and sensor method might be better.
They have the vaccine for mice that are addicted to heroin, and they stop eating the heroin in lab research, and they now have a vaccine for cocaine addition too. The use of dental plates by this method might be useful for curing opium addiction, and also to boost the power of the vaccines for these problems if they aren't perfect. If these were good enough methods for curing problems like this we could reduce the power of the Taliban in Afghanistan, which is using opium addiction to stay in power there by way of the economics of heroin addiction. You can believe contrary to what the Taliban might say those people don't want to be addicted to heroin the rest of their lives.
By finding the optimum dose of a soothing herb like melatonin when most of worth like when the boss is yelling, or like women in research who are told their body size is too large eat 3 times as much afterward, control could be achieved better. They've found that mice when they're asleep with a light like a TV gain twice as much weight later on. I think sound might be another diet influence. When you hear a sound like noise your blood pressure goes up for hours afterward in research even when you're asleep, so sensors that change the dose of heart stress and counteract it may save many lives. It's estimated 200,000 people die each year because of noise.. (For this I think antinoise sleep hats may be of worth since they stop the noise and thus the high blood pressure, but for substance problems the solution would be more internal.) Noise may be an influence worth considering to control obesity. Even dogs and cats put on more weight the deeper in the city and the more noise there is per se (and woof!) 50% of dogs are now overweight, they don't say fetch they say, you go fetch! (I once thought of a computer control dog power treadmill that the dog travels without biting anyone and stays cozy and calm outside, exercise on snowy days, ect). They have timed released melatonin but it wouldn't release the melatonin at the right time in the day like by the herbs and sensors. For substance control once the cure was achieved it would be a true cure because anytime after this and they try to drink booze, the clay, could be used continuously for years or months. No matter how much they drank they would not get more, permanently. The plate could be made tough to remove, and they often wouldn't want to if the temptation was all changed to resistance and pleasure more in life. To me it seems the real reason the suicide rate of alcoholics is so high is not because they're dumb, it's because they think there's something wrong about it they want to improve a lot.. The bite counters that measure how much you've eaten by how many times you raise your hand up to your mouth to eat, ect. may be are good for weight loss and long life if combined with the clay computer and sensors. If she spends her life on hold she'll live to be 1000 years old!
While vaccines my be of worth for heroin or cocaine, the plates my be useful for any type of activity where it's useful to gradually reduce any kind of stressful event or substance. A constant dose of it would be administed by the plate to achieve the cure so no unpredictable swings. The vaccines may take years to develop, and the plates use existing science and can be used for obesity or other problems that this may be of worth for, though there may be vaccines here also.. And this could be used with other methods for a more complete cure. It could be useful for curing drug addiction, anxiety disorders, chronic pain, mental illness, smoking, and obesity, and it might be useful for behaviour like gambling or even debt.
Though alcoholics have the highest suicide rate of anyone in society, there hasn't been a new perscription for alcoholism even 40 years. I imagine a time relatively soon when detox or obesity clinics may be changed from places of sadness, to places of salvation, charity, and hope.
Alcoholics have two problems, the physical use of the substance, and the other is the emotional strain itself when reducing the alcohol.. You may say, to solve problems like this you could remove the booze or food, ect. gradually perhaps, reduce the strain and they recover. This may not often be probable or even possible though a lot of labor is done to achieve it, well, like the BBC!
In this post I'm using my considerable knowelege of health science, because I use both green clay and melatonin for better health. Clay is a good absorbent to absorb out toxins, and melatonin is a sleep aid used by millions.
I offer the following method for alcoholism, obesity and seven other problems of related type, e.g pain relief, anxiety and other problems like this.
We imagine a sensor in the mouth, that senses when the person has had too much food, or other substance to reduce. This is of worth no doubt, two police in the news were seeing about Breathalyzers this month and tried booze and spent the afternoon like seeing stars and moonlight, could happen to anyone, and it's rare but even better if millions of lives were saved by curing alcohol and other problems. The police would save huge costs like in court fees, ect. and though any one's risk of being in an accident with each trip is like 1 in a million, the police are helping us to make this rate what it is...
If the sensors were aligned to some way to gradually reduce the amount of alcohol before it reaches the stomach, then by computer the most optimal amount of alcohol or other substance could be gradually reduced at the right rate. A sort of gradual sort of nicorette, at least an improvement. If the overall reduction was real slow and reliable, there would be much more chance of solving the problem, just as climbing a steep hill all at once may be tiring, but climbing on a road with almost no slope makes it so almost anybody can climb, if just blending in this much each day, sooner or later you would reach the top. I imagine this could be computerized at least sometime to such a gradual change that many types of addictions could be cured even by this, especially if aligned with something like software to retrain the brain to reduce the stress ect. both emotionally and cognitively, ect.
For the sensor in the mouth I thought of a band to attach the sensor to the tooth like an orthodontist band or wire so it's reliable to stay where the sense of perception is hopes of health for life in general. A sort of small hammer on the tooth puts the sensor in, not a Phil Collins song! The sensor as like ones in use is real cheap, like 50 cents, just two wires of the right metals to move in the presence of what to sense at the right rate for that substance only. No other sensor might be needed, at least to solve just one problem at a time say obesity. To find alcohol in the breath, easier than over the lips over the gum, look out stomach here she comes... and more reliable. About alcohol it's good to sense if you're aware (I don't drink even better so no UBI Unexplained Beer Injuries!) I liked green tea a lot and I didn't know why, then I realized I was getting subliminal messages from Andheiser Busch!
My next question was, if we have the small sensor on the tooth, what would we blend with that alcohol to make it so it essentially is rendered less powerful, so they automatically quit in time so they wouldn't have to feel so bad to stop, how do you blend with the booze and intercept it in real time? In smoking the great American smokeout, they have the fan to blow smoke out from the person, so they have the nicotine fit of the star search realm.
I hoped to invent a plate like an orthodontist's plate in which what would combine with the booze would stop the booze, controlled by a computer chip, though no booze with the munchos so often like the Breathalyzer when the officers were in research mode. Then I realized green clay a great absorber might be of worth. It cleanses out heavy radiation, and other toxins. This is why I think they don't get diabetes at the sugar plantations in SA. where all day they eat sugarcane, not just because they have a lot of fiber in the sugar, and never get ill. Fiber is not that valuable for blood sugar, but clay would absorb sugar and other acids out,stopping it at the source including fat for heart fitness while putting in 80 or 90 monotomic minerals, and the body only uses what it needs. More about green clay. It's been found the people in the US who move to the US from SA are the most healthy in life expectancy because they don't smoke, but I think clay may have a major influence here, they've been cleansed out with they clay so much they have much less toxic buildup from the start. People in SA don't smoke as much, it's true and another way the Latinos may be stronger in general is because often the more pastoral life is good to make their immune system stronger, plus fitness in general. Even so a good foundation of minerals we don't find due to no absorbancy of most vitamins ect and intensive agriculture reducing our minerals a lot plus absorbancy out of toxins like fat salt and sugar may be the main general way to healthier life.
For the dental plate, the clay inside would use the awesome honeycomb structure which has small strong electron wells to strongly attract and hold many toxins well, it absorbs 500 times its weight in water so I drink water with clay to cleanse out stuff like the heavy metals from the parking lot. They do research and find like 200 unnatural harmful chemicals in most people's circulation. Green clay is powerful so of worth to blend with the booze ersatz, powered by bites perhaps. If the sensor senses the alcohol and the computer does a quick number crunch, no munchies, then just the right amount of the absorber is to blend in the mouth. How would you make it so it would reduce the anxiety?
Here is how a stress sensor may be of value combined with the clay and the substance sensor in the mouth. I was sometimes using melatonin, a sleep aid used by millions for part of my diet plan. I was taking melatonin for other health and it was so drowsy for a while, and I was hungry and didn't notice while I was doing my bit of research! I would sometimes wake up real hungry after a good night's sleep, and I thought of trying this to diet one day, but I wasn't even aware of the hunger. Melatonin is one of the least toxic substances ever found, less toxic than water, found in every cell in the body, and it causes a deep restful sleep, but it's not addictive and has no known side effects, other than positive ones. The only known problem about melatonin may be that it causes low blood sugar with long use and for most this one known problem would be rather healthy presumably. No important cautions for melatonin (other than some blood sugar consideration, e.g. for those with low blood sugar or for depression) have been seen in 15 years since it was first available. People have been taking melatonin about 15 or 20 years, I wasn't asleep right now! Melatonin has been proven mostly safe, far safer than something like narcotics, at any rate. Or for melatonin we could substitute something like say passionflower that would be strongly enough soothing for long enough to lose weight, stop alcohol, ect. Even if they recommend to rest melatonin one week after three months, I used far less to sooth my diet than the recommended dose. People I talked to about melatonin say it worked too well, an insomnia cure for 12 hours no doubt, so more recently they've reduced the OTC dose to just 3 mg, not 10, and 1/10 this much and I sleep fine when I have a bit of this. And it's super cheap at this rate for a daytime dose it could be of worth. If not melatonin whatever would be most optimal to relieve the anxiety is of important to this idea. There may be many substitutes for green clay or melatonin in this method, perhaps custom fit to the problem, the person's health ect.
When dieting sometimes my question about melatonin was, how to make it so the dose wouldn't rise till I was too sleepy and then fall too low in the daytime? When too low I was drowsy and too much and I was hungry. I thought best would be inbetween, both in comfort and losing weight too, perhaps continually no sweat, how to be hungry and be unaware yet alert? Most herbs or other OTC's or pharmaceuticals have a base e dose, It peaks at first then gradually tapers off slowly in a more wide arch on the right side. This is a logarithm based on how much of it's present, if more is present it multiplies up then falls off as more is absorbed. This is all the base e is about in math.
So I wondered, how to level this out. What if we had something to sense your anxiety and if you had something like a lie detector on your wrist or perhaps even in your mouth to sense the electrical change in your nerves and sends a signal to the little melatonin hold, and the person hoping to reduce automatically gets the right amount of melatonin in a breath spray ect, and so on. This could solve the other part of the problem of reducing, or many types of problems like this.
There are other types of dieting methods that automatically reduce the pain signals, they have implants that are in the stomach to interrupt signals from the vegus nerve and overweight people lose 2/3 of their weight easily with no anxiety, and so it might seem logical to use something like acupressure and pinch the nerve between your stomach and your brain do it ourselves. If you pinch your brain caution! I looked this up in my encyclopedia, and it turns out this nerve is of real import, like for vision, breathing and other important stuff in your physiology ect. So the only person who would change it should be a doctor. Or a surgeon if the nurse sews you up on the laugh side, and the nurse likes my insurance and uses not a suture, a zipper! The advantage of my method though is if you have any kind of stress, you automatically get the right dose of melatonin or whatever to reduce the pain or anxiety right at the most important times. This would be of worth for pain relief for ill people, and by using the reduction/anxiety relief method to stop smoking by way of the plate, the sensors, the computer bit and the clay and melatonin or ersatz, green clay would also be of worth for stopping smoking perhaps because it's good for respiratory problems especially. Tons of green clay were used to absorb the radiation of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Russia because it's absorbent of radiation. Green clay is a good detoxifier. Animals in the Amazon are not toxified by eating green clay so they aren't toxified and have a source of food out of reach of all the rest. The Indians in the high Andes actually eat clay to eat some of the foods to reduce toxins like tannins a form of alkaloid (what else?).
Although other compounds than melatonin or green clay could be used also depending as I say green clay seems a good first approximation perhaps for curing smoking at any rate because it has lots of minerals for strengthening general health, believed to be the cause of most illness which Linus Pauling believed, the Nobel Prize winning Vitamin C doctor who lived to be 90.
One wondrous thing about green clay for stopping smoking is it's good for respiratory relief, so green clay in their stall stops horses from nose woes because breathing ammonia in their stalls is cancelled by green clay and so they have more than 80% reduction in respiratory problems (good for us too if we use bleach or ammonia).
So the clay could be used for smokers perhaps with small fans combined with the melatonin by the plates and sensors. (I have fans that make smoke rings in the heat of hot weather.) This could be used for solving many types of addictions by reducing anxiety at the right time and in general. They have another type of stomach pacemaker that shakes the stomach so they lose weight also and no discomfort. But this might not be as safe and needs an operation to achieve, the plate herb and sensor method could be real cheap, just buy it OTC say for 20$. It could solve many types of behavioural or substance problems and could even be used to relieve problems like debt, gambling, ect.
While clay and melatonin may be a good first approximation, I think we could tweak the herbs, e.g. ginger the cooking herb is a lot better pain reliever than aspirin, it relaxes the body 8 ways, and improves and protects the liver 7 ways, to improve absorption and other herbs might be used to tweak the method. For example for losing weight, diet is like getting a spleenectomy, and so herbs to shield the spleen or to fit the type of solution for the type of problem.
They found the virus one in 5 people who are obese actually have. They eat the same as anyone else but they gain more weight. We could think of antivirals that would stop the weight gain for these people though this wouldn't help these innocent people actually lose the weight, the herb and sensor method might be better.
They have the vaccine for mice that are addicted to heroin, and they stop eating the heroin in lab research, and they now have a vaccine for cocaine addition too. The use of dental plates by this method might be useful for curing opium addiction, and also to boost the power of the vaccines for these problems if they aren't perfect. If these were good enough methods for curing problems like this we could reduce the power of the Taliban in Afghanistan, which is using opium addiction to stay in power there by way of the economics of heroin addiction. You can believe contrary to what the Taliban might say those people don't want to be addicted to heroin the rest of their lives.
By finding the optimum dose of a soothing herb like melatonin when most of worth like when the boss is yelling, or like women in research who are told their body size is too large eat 3 times as much afterward, control could be achieved better. They've found that mice when they're asleep with a light like a TV gain twice as much weight later on. I think sound might be another diet influence. When you hear a sound like noise your blood pressure goes up for hours afterward in research even when you're asleep, so sensors that change the dose of heart stress and counteract it may save many lives. It's estimated 200,000 people die each year because of noise.. (For this I think antinoise sleep hats may be of worth since they stop the noise and thus the high blood pressure, but for substance problems the solution would be more internal.) Noise may be an influence worth considering to control obesity. Even dogs and cats put on more weight the deeper in the city and the more noise there is per se (and woof!) 50% of dogs are now overweight, they don't say fetch they say, you go fetch! (I once thought of a computer control dog power treadmill that the dog travels without biting anyone and stays cozy and calm outside, exercise on snowy days, ect). They have timed released melatonin but it wouldn't release the melatonin at the right time in the day like by the herbs and sensors. For substance control once the cure was achieved it would be a true cure because anytime after this and they try to drink booze, the clay, could be used continuously for years or months. No matter how much they drank they would not get more, permanently. The plate could be made tough to remove, and they often wouldn't want to if the temptation was all changed to resistance and pleasure more in life. To me it seems the real reason the suicide rate of alcoholics is so high is not because they're dumb, it's because they think there's something wrong about it they want to improve a lot.. The bite counters that measure how much you've eaten by how many times you raise your hand up to your mouth to eat, ect. may be are good for weight loss and long life if combined with the clay computer and sensors. If she spends her life on hold she'll live to be 1000 years old!
While vaccines my be of worth for heroin or cocaine, the plates my be useful for any type of activity where it's useful to gradually reduce any kind of stressful event or substance. A constant dose of it would be administed by the plate to achieve the cure so no unpredictable swings. The vaccines may take years to develop, and the plates use existing science and can be used for obesity or other problems that this may be of worth for, though there may be vaccines here also.. And this could be used with other methods for a more complete cure. It could be useful for curing drug addiction, anxiety disorders, chronic pain, mental illness, smoking, and obesity, and it might be useful for behaviour like gambling or even debt.
Though alcoholics have the highest suicide rate of anyone in society, there hasn't been a new perscription for alcoholism even 40 years. I imagine a time relatively soon when detox or obesity clinics may be changed from places of sadness, to places of salvation, charity, and hope.