..Web Snapshot For Inventors.. like me who would just like to tell of our inventions by telling who's first on the web by storing all the sites on the web at any given moment, a sort of snapshot of the web may be of value, each snapshot stored on film perhaps so it would be a valid read only document. This has been thought of for individual sites but perhaps not for the whole web, I read they may achieve this eventually, the modem types at high speed! A problem may be that much of the web is halfway aware, the same problem that makes it so you are unaware of what your computer means when it throws you a box, as it becomes more complex and based on probabilities the information may be more slippery, so loopholes and web fraud about forensic motifs may become a problem. This has never been a problem with telephones, you know who you're in conversation with when you're by the fizz machine, so some sort of uniform method of documentation would be perhaps the method here. Someone said that sending an email is a method of documentation Judge Judy would be proud of, always good for proof, although the woman who told me may have found it at an ABC store-of CBS...
Friday, January 28, 2005
Thursday, January 27, 2005
My Marm In College Says The Geology Is Deep!
Wall Mart Cost Saving Lava Lamp.. It has been believed by some science may eventually build a Journey To The Center of The World (Scientific American) in a visit to the deeper realms of the Earth by using atomic explosives to blast a fissure and then pouring molten iron in to melt its way down to the center of the world with a probe flowing down with the magma to send us memos of the visit. It may be much cheaper (overall) to use the heat of a uranium powered probe.. The uranium would weigh more so move the probe downward. With the proposed plan A (by devised by the makers of brand Why named me) it may cost much more to pour all the lava in, just as with a self contained heat pump it's much cheaper than heating just the outdoors and the earth. Just the region below the machine would be heated. The magma of the other plan would would melt to unlevel pockets so sooner or later the big lava would melt on a side away from the probe, it would be caught in a cool pocket melted by the lava and stopped by the roadside. Am I a brain Samaratin or what? And in Plan A the lava even if always around the machine would interfere with the information mining because of being between the probe and earth most of the way down. In both plans the probe would send back info by sound waves. Geologists have considered all other plans such as drilling to be unviable, the drill bits must be pulled up to add a deeper bit, and at 4 miles down, the rock just flows like magma in the well before a deeper bit is added, so the most deep seems about 4 miles. Other than the plan to pour lava into the earth, geologists had mostly abandoned trying to reach more than about 4 miles by such as drilling because of this. Even so the improved plan of pouring in all the lava would cost much more than using a heavy probe powered by U 238.
Another possible "weigh in" would be by using proton solids like the stuff of superdense collapsed stars. In Cosmos, Carl Sagan says if you had an ounce of this mass and dropped it (and you could hardly do otherwise) it's so dense, it would fall through the much thinner mantle of the earth like a rock in water without much resistance to the center of the earth, and return out the other side via inertia, punching holes and then fall in by gravity once it had been stopped above the surface on the other side. This would repeat with the plug of superdense mass slowing a bit with each hole punched, finally settling in the center of the earth (the small mass won't flow and disperse like the lava because its held in a compact lump by its own much stronger mass than the mantle and other mass of the earth).
So a simple way to make the probe go deeper may be just to make part of it out of the proton solid of just the right mass to settle at the right rate so information could be collected on the way to the core. The mass would be small so it wouldn't cause people on the surface to lean when out for a jog that month, no doubt once it was deeper this would be no problem. It may also be heated and with a tube of the proton solids extruded around the outside of the probe making a way to follow in its tracks inside the well thus made
....Dear Susan;
.. Thanks for saying you like to see us, you have better vision than me, when some cashiers say this this makes me feel good at when I'm alive more each month year and hour! About this and my rooms, there's a leak in the kitchen roof, brings a bit of steam to my eye, like a porch with cool mist in the heat, my porch has a storm lining, I hope for aid about the roof if it's alright. The other maintenance person repaired it once and it was good but it reenergised and leaks just in heavy rain, otherwise it's a drought in here in summer. I was wondering if that other lady was saying you are in good health or that we are like the rug doctor, my TV goddess says at many rooms they replace the rugs on a regular basis, would you think months enough for me to wait, months are so bright and know what's ahead on your memo! About what I asked about how you list how wise I am when we talked I'll trade what I know for a rug if you say so.
My shower's a bit damaged, they say that taking showers causes memory loss by buildup of electricity, I remember I'm clean and you know why, when I clean up lots! If you wonder why I asked about how wise well and established you are, if you were saying I are in good health you may be like me and like Dr. Wells' Fizz machine, 10,000 perscribed a day!
Oceans Of Love
Yours, Charles